While Ray has been busy hanging sheathing, doors and windows, I have been trolling Craigslist for more great materials to use in the cabin. I have found some really great finds recently. Most importantly, we have a kitchen! I got this entire set of base cabinets from a house in Uptown which was being remodeled. I have been hard at work in the garage at home cleaning, sanding and painting them to get them ready to install. They were white when we got them, but I'm having fun experimenting with some bolder colors for the cabin. I have been decorating in tasteful neutrals for a while now at home, and it's been fun to take some risks! We got a cool upper cabinet from a free pile in our neighborhood. The finish on this cabinet is so lovely, I am just going to leave it as is. I will post pictures of the results when they're ready.
Our most exciting contribution to Camp Freedom came from our dear friends, the Colby-Priest's. They got this canoe from their neighbors and thought they would use it up at Julie's parent's cabin. It sat in her backyard while she pondered the fact that her parents already have two canoes at their cabin. Ultimately, Julie and Tim decided it would be better off at Camp Freedom and generously gave it to us. We are so excited to take it up soon and get it in the water of Mighty Mud Lake. We are so grateful to all the friends, family and anonymous strangers whose generosity is helping to make Camp Freedom a reality!