The family visited Camp Freedom this weekend and did a couple of things to finish things up. Katie found a storm door on Craigslist that was in perfect shape, and fit perfectly into the space available:
I should probably mention, in order to pass the inspection, we also had to build up the front porch a bit, and add some railings. It's a little narrow, but I think we will probably end up leaving it this way. As it turns out, having railings on the steps does make it feel more stable going in and out of the cabin.
Now we just need to add another railing on the stairs coming off the back porch (one of the inspector's demands), and we'll be set!
We also took advantage of the beautiful fall weather this weekend and took care of a lot of outside chores. We took down Fort Awesome for the season and packed it away. To be honest I'm not sure if it will be coming back out. We used it once over the summer, and I don't see it getting a lot of heavy usage again. Maybe if we know that we will be having a large number of visitors we might put it up, but I don't think I want to automatically put it up in the spring next year.
On top of that,the boys spent a long time chopping and stacking firewood. Between the two of them, they managed to put up about half of a cord of firewood! Not quite enough to pass muster on Frontier House, but fortunately our firewood stack isn't going to make the difference between surviving the winter or dying off like ill-prepared pioneers. It doesn't take much to make a cabin extremely cozy. On Saturday, on of the errands we ran was a visit to the fireplace store in town. We are having a wood stove installed, and having the wall behind the stove mortared up with a stone veneer in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to have that done so we can start making fires inside the cabin! Just in time for sweater weather :)
Thor and Guthrie Working Together on Their Log-Splitting Operation |