We have started building the outhouse! In our backyard. We are using the same kind of plan that we used to construct the tent platform. We designed the privy to be built in four panels and then hauled out to the site. We got a good start on the walls last weekend. I found a website from some university agricultural extension service that allows you to download free building plans. The available plans are mostly for agricultural buildings such as chicken coops and slaughter houses. I downloaded outhouse plans as well as the blueprints for a bomb shelter. Guess which one Ray wanted to work on first. The plans called for a 4x4 foot building. We wanted to make sure that was roomy enough so we used this system to check the dimensions.
We taped a square on the deck and determined the outhouse should be roomy enough for both a person and a dog to use comfortably. We went on to frame up all three of the side walls. Eventually, they will be insulated and paneled. This is what they look like right now. It will have a translucent corrugated fiberglass roof and of course, a crescent moon on the door.
I did not want to use or maintain an outhouse with a gross plywood bench so I have been doing research on what is politely called an outhouse pedestal. I found a Canadian company that makes a very nice fiberglass model that should be able to withstand our temperature extremes as well as being very easy to keep clean. This is a picture of that pedestal.
We will not have a concrete slab as pictured here. Our plans call for a plywood floor assembly that will be covered with a nice, easy to clean linoleum. I don't want to sound like too much of a princess, but if the plan is to build an outhouse, I would like it to be the cleanest, most pleasant outhouse possible.