Saturday, October 17, 2009

Country Life

We had planned to go up to Camp Freedom last week since the kids had Thursday and Friday off from school. I was picturing a few perfect Indian summer days with gorgeous fall colors and just enough bite in the air to make the campfire feel delicious. Because we could go up mid-week, Ray and I thought it would be a perfect chance to meet with some contractors. Then we checked the weather. The forecast for the planned trip was high in the 40's and a rain/snow mix. Cold and wet - not ideal camping weather for even the heartiest Northerner. Ray had made appointments with two excavators, one well digger and the electric co-op that services our area. He was able to reschedule everything for Thursday and just drove up for the day by himself. Two of the meetings were with men named Jeff. We joked that they were probably the same person. Well, they were two different people but two of the contractors did have a connection. The well digger sheepishly admitted that he was the cousin of one of the excavators that had come out that morning. The admission went something like this, " Yeah, he's my cousin. But I don't want you to think that we're all related up here."

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