Monday, January 4, 2010

Our outhouse is going to be Zeebest!

I just got off the phone with Daryl at Zeebest Plastics in Edmonton, Alberta. I placed an order for the PTS Privy Toilet that I featured a photo of in an earlier post. We had an amusing conversation. When I told him I wanted to place an order, he first asked me what company I was with. I answered that I wasn't with anyone but just wanted one toilet for family use. I assured me that I was someone and proceeded to take my order. I explained that I was located in the U.S., and asked if there would be any problem shipping it here. His first plan was to put the thing on a Greyhound bus headed for Minneapolis. He explained that I could just pick up the package at the bus depot and pay the customs charges there. I could just imagine myself standing in the downtown bus station looking for the international package pickup window while Ray circles the block outside. I suggested to Daryl that maybe we could just ship it UPS. He replied, "Well, yah, that's another way of doin' her." There's nothing like a phone call to Canada to make life in Minneapolis seem downright cosmopolitan.

1 comment:

  1. Let us know if you need to borrow a truck for that P-O-P
