Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scout Craft

As I have mentioned, we got quite a bit of rain last weekend at Camp Freedom. We keep a few tarps up there to string up to make rain shelters. I asked Ray to start putting up some tarps so we would be ready in case the rain started. He agreed and grabbed his chain saw. First, he built a ladder so he could get high enough to string the tarps. Last time we were there, he just climbed on Pete's shoulders. This seemed to work better. Thor was brave enough to test the ladder. I would not have been that brave. But the ladder held and proved very useful for many projects such as hanging Guthrie's bat house. Ray also installed what is being called Security Level 1, which is a gate down by the end of the driveway. We used some left over cable from the zip line and some timbers I found in a free pile in St. Paul. The sign reads "Sorry we're closed." I wanted something friendlier than "Keep Out" or "No Trespassing." It has a padlock on it so a car can't drive in. Here's Thor locking up for the first time on our way home that weekend. Other than that, it is just a psychological barrier. Of course, anyone could just walk around it, but like I said, the gate is just Security Level 1. This is Security Level 2 -

1 comment:

  1. So much material here, I don't know where to start! I especially like this line:

    "I asked Ray to start putting up some tarps so we would be ready in case the rain started. He agreed and grabbed his chain saw."

    See, in this context it makes perfect sense. It would be hard to apply that across the board though.

    "Ray, can you take out the trash?"
    "Sure, let me grab my chainsaw."

    "Ray, will you take these letters to the post office?"
    "Absolutely! Just let me grab my chainsaw!"

    You can see why I love Camp Freedom so much, where so many chores start with a chainsaw.
