Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Target Practice

I mentioned last week that Elena got an air rifle for her birthday. Guess what is now at the top of Thor's birthday list? Elena is an amazingly good shot, although judging by the picture of her, maybe it's not a surprise. Eric better stay on her good side! When I was searching for an image of the Daisy to put on last week's post, I found that they also make a pink air pistol that matches her gun. I might have to get that to complete the set! Many cans were shot and no one was hurt. Huge success! I even shot a can on my first try!


  1. Nice shot! I have been begging Claudia to let me get a BB gun so I can shoot at cans in the backyard. Vetoed. And we have to get a big tree cut down. I want them to leave a tall stump so I can throw axes at it. Vetoed.

  2. If Ray had asked me to do those things in our yard in the city, I would have also said no. That is why everyone needs a Camp Freedom. It has very different rules than our house in town!
