Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hello From Camp Freedom

This is a bit of video that Ray took on our first day at camp. I think it has kind of a Blair Witch quality to it.

Hobo Dinner

This is how you make a Hobo Dinner. Chop up potatoes, carrots, onions and meat into bite size cubes. Put into foil with a blob of butter and salt. Roll up the foil (Thor likes to roll his "candy style") and stick into the coals of the campfire. Cook until potatoes are tender and enjoy!

Dog of the Wild

I think Georgia, our dog, had more fun than any of us this weekend. At home, she always has to be on a leash or in her yard. Unfortunately, she has very little opportunities for freedom, until now. Her favorite activity seemed to be finding something disgusting on the ground and then rolling in it. She got to run, romp and explore - leash free. It was really beautiful to watch.

Sunrise over Mud Lake

Guthrie, the strongest boy in the world

Push the play button to watch an amazing feat of strength! (Sorry that it is sideways - that's my fault!)

It's Official

We went up to camp this weekend to close on the property. I thought it was really funny to keep asking, "So, when do we get the keys?" As it turns out, closing on a piece of vacant land is a lot simpler than closing on a house. We signed a few papers, gave them a check, shook a few hands and that was that. The realtor that handled the deal gave us a very nice gift bag with wine, cheese, olives, fancy salami, and chocolates. We enjoyed all of those treats around the very first campfire at Camp Freedom and toasted to our good fortune and the beginning of great adventures. It was so fun to be there knowing that it was really ours. But then the reality started setting in. There is so much to do to make it a comfortable, usable camp. For example, there is no driveway. We found a clearing and pulled the van over so at least it was off the street. Promptly, several people pulled over wanting to know if we were stuck and needed help getting the car out. Surely, no one would put a car there on purpose! I quickly realized that this was not the middle of nowhere. As it turns out, Camp Freedom is located in a very small town where people noticed when a car full of strangers pulled off the road and started unloading a van full of gear in the woods. Luckily, these were likeable old guys that let us be after we assured them we weren't in any trouble. I have a feeling we will come to count on some of these characters for valuable advice and support in the future. During the course of the weekend, we got a rough idea of where the driveway will go in, as well as a plan for where to build the platform for the wall tent. Hopefully, we will get back out there over Labor Day weekend, ready to dig in, literally. We have a spot for the outhouse all staked out. So if anyone's not busy over Labor Day . . .

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Last night we picked up a canvas wall tent off Craigslist. This is a huge heavy duty army issue tent from the 1960's. It is 16x16 and weighs about 250lbs. It came with a wooden door and a small wood stove. My understanding is that people around here use these tents as semi-permanent hunting shelters. They are very warm and can be used almost all year round. We are going to build a wooden platform for it as well as a wooden frame so it can be left up most of the year. Making this into a usable shelter will certainly be our first construction challenge. This is the photo of the tent that was on Craigslist.

This is what Ray brought home. . .

Here is the little stove that came with it.

The whole set-up is pretty cool because it was mostly handmade. The family that was getting rid of it had been using it forever and gave us great tips on how to set it up correctly and keep it in good working order. They even gave us this neat wooden chest they had built to store it in. We're not planning on using it right away. I want to give it a good scrubbing and Ray needs to repair a few of the parts. While we're at camp this weekend, we will choose a site for it. Hopefully, the next time we go up, we can build the platform and set it up in it's permanent home. Ray loves it and keeps saying how it's just like MASH. I love it and say it will be just like Out of Africa. I envision 4 cots in there with mosquito netting fluttering over them as well as a small table and chairs with a little lantern hissing cheerfully in the evenings. Thor says he would like to use it as a stable for the horse we going to keep at Camp Freedom. Guthrie is excited to cook a steak over the wood stove. We each have our own fantasies about what this adventure is. Luckily, so far, there is enough overlap between those fantasies to keep us all happy. In the meantime, hopefully, this will become a comfortable home base for us while we work on the rest of our projects.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


We are heading up to Camp Freedom this weekend. The closing is on Friday afternoon and we going to stay there for a few nights. I came home from work and Ray had been writing a list of things he wants to bring with him on the trip. Here is that list:
4 Sleeping Bags
3 Tarps or Poly
Tent Stakes
Sleeping Mats
Camp Chairs
Camp Stove
Gas for Stove
Big Water Cooler
Small Shovel
Twine or String
Bug Spray
Itch Cream
Measuring Tape
Fire Starting Kit and Kindling
Flashlights and Lanterns
Dishes and Food Prep Supplies, Tongs
Hobo Dinner
Paper for Mapmaking
Pencils, ruler
Bows, Arrows
Waterproof Boots
Campfire Coffee Pot
First Aid Kit
Long Pants
Closed Shoes
Grass whip / weed wacker

Now I don't want anyone to think I am criticizing him by publishing this list. I appreciate his planning although I am getting a bit nervous about the scope of this. Normally, I am this kind of camper:

Lawn Chair
People Magazine

I may be in a bit over my head, but at least I have some good company!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Thor is home! I just drove up to Eveleth yesterday to pick him up from Camp Warren. He was gone for 2 weeks and I finally feel like I can breath again! He had an amazing time swimming, boating, shooting bows and arrows and riding horses. Each camper gets to choose 4 different activities and work on those skills during the session. One of the activities he chose was called "Warren Warriors." There was a little awards ceremony before we left where each activity leader got up and told a bit about their program. A nice, soft-spoken young man named Colin got up to describe this new program. Apparently, he just wanted to take the boys out and teach them how to have fun in the woods. It was a combination of lifting and throwing heavy things, poking at gross things, jumping off tall things with a liberal sprinkling of ninja moves thrown in. The first thing Thor wanted to show me when I got to camp was his running shoulder roll. I have to admit, it was quite impressive. I know a lot of these skills will serve him well at Camp Freedom!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We've spent a lot of time wondering what to do first. This project is so big that it's hard to know where to start. One thing we've been thinking about is our transportation. We have a little minivan with 4-wheel drive. It isn't pretty but it runs like a tank and we abuse it like a truck. We decided to have a trailer hitch put on it and buy a small utility trailer that we could use to haul tools, camping gear, building supplies, etc. to and from the site. I had been looking at trailers on craigslist (where I get everything) and everyone seemed to want several hundred dollars for what appeared to be broken old trailers. Then one day I saw this little cutie on the parkway a few blocks away from home. It was clearly part of a free pile. There was an old couch and some other garbage laid out around it. The trailer looked so nice that I couldn't believe my luck. I parked the car, got out and looked at it for a while hoping someone might come out of the house. Pretty soon a nice guy came out. I knew him a little bit because the family has a daughter who is in Guthrie's class at school. I asked him if they were actually getting rid of the trailer. He assured me they were. He said they used it for family camping trips for many years and just didn't need it anymore. He wondered what I was going to do with it so I told him a bit about our plans. He seemed happy that it was going to a good home. I don't have a hitch on the van yet, so I had to go home and get another neighbor with a truck to help me haul it to my garage. Ray was out of town on a boy scout camping trip at the time so I surprised him with it when he got home the next day. Being able to get the trailer without Ray's help (or his money) made me feel resourceful and competent. I am so lucky to live in a neighborhood full of helpful, friendly people with great free piles!

P.S. This post is dedicated to the family at the end of 30th Ave. and neighbor Sam. Thanks for being awesome!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I had a nice evening last night. A few of the girls got together for a little baby shower for Julie who is expecting #3 in a few weeks. The showers have really changed as we've all had more kids. It used to be baby food games and onesies, now it's just an excuse for booze and cake. Way more fun if you ask me! I was showing my guests the photos of Camp Freedom from the realtor's listing page and it occurred to me that maybe I could transfer them onto the blog. So I am going to attempt that today. Some people seem to be surprised that I am attempting this blog, what with my reputation as a bit of a technophobe. So far it's been easier and more fun than I expected, mostly because of all the nice responses Ray and I have gotten since yesterday. It has been great to hear from so many of you! Who knows, this "internet" may catch on after all . . .

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Beginning

On July 23, 2009, son Thor's tenth birthday, we completed the first step in our dream. We signed the paperwork to purchase 17 acres of woods, wetland and waterfront on a small lake in Western Wisconsin. Currently, the land is completely raw, no buildings, utilities, not even a driveway. I think that was part of the appeal to Ray. He wants to start this endeavor from scratch, building our family compound from the ground up. It also meant that it was very affordable! We will camp on the land in the beginning, getting a feel for it and taking some time to figure out the best building sites. Eventually, we envision a small cabin there as well as several campsites for friends and family to visit. We feel so lucky and excited to have this opportunity and invite you to follow our progress!