Thursday, April 11, 2013

Time for some Tapestries

The best thing about having a cabin is that is inspires people to bring out all of their best stuff. Our friends Eric and Elena had this tapestry that Eric got in Germany when he was a little boy. There never seemed to be a wall with quite enough space to hang it in their own house, so they graciously submitted it for the CF gallery. We had talked about hanging it up in the guest room, but after seeing it unfurled in all of its glory, we really could not abide with it hanging anywhere except for the main hall. You can see why.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

We Used to do This Thing called "Blogging"

Up here in the northlands, it's April and Winter is finally nearing an end.  We managed to get in a visit to the cabin at least once per month during the coldest nights, and I'm pretty sure the nights we were there were actually the coldest!  We spent New Years Eve at Camp Freedom, and made sure to blow off lots of our Wisconsin-style fireworks.  Big, loud, colorful, and just a touch too dangerous.

Our woodstove turned out to be both elegant and powerful, cranking out lots of heat all day and night.  We still have some balancing to do though, as the loft tends to reach a boil point much faster than the rest of the cabin warms up.  Far too late in the winter, I also figured out that we had our cove heaters wired incorrectly (used one breaker for 120 volts, instead of two for the 240 volts needed to power up fully), and once we got that straightened out, it was a whole nother story.

We're going back up this weekend for a little spring break action.  We're not sure if it will still be full on winter there - the snow pack is finally melted off locally.  Either way we shouldn't have any problems getting in thanks to the snow plow guy we hired at the beginning of the season.  He did a heckuva job!